Make Your Appointment Now!

Kerry St. Pierre



The Nutrition Attaché

Reclaim Your Health

Results-driven Strategies for Busy, High Performers

 The Nutrition Attaché designs individualized nutrition and lifestyle plans to address cardiometabolic diseases, oncology nutrition, autoimmune conditions and functional gastrointestinal disorders.  A demanding life requires innovative strategies in order to be effective and sustainable.

Expertise Begets Clarity

Client-Centered Plans That Integrate with Ease

The Nutrition Attaché develops personalized, research-backed diet and lifestyle strategies that produce meaningful client outcomes. The wisdom of relevant research is incorporated with your health status, palate preferences and life demands to design plans that are rooted in science while remaining flexible.  

Restore & Regain Well-being

Working with your Attaché

First Steps

After clicking on the Make Your Appointment link, you will be directed to a site that collects your insurance information to verify coverage you have for Medical Nutrition Therapy and Preventative Benefits. After providing this information you will be able to book your Initial Consultation. 

The Initial Consultation includes a detailed assessment of the health information provided on intake forms, a review of biochemical data (lab values) and other relevant medical data or screening tests. Together we identify short, medium and long-term health goals. The lines of communication between collaboration partners such as client’s healthcare team are opened. The length and level of engagement are determined at this meeting. A Nutrition Focused Physical Exam may be conducted to determine the appropriate nutrition diagnosis.

The Nutrition Attaché appraises the information provided in the Initial Consultation and supporting health documents to identify diet- or lifestyle- related excesses and deficiencies.  Each patient’s implementation strategy force ranks the interventions to determine which will produce the highest yielding outcomes. The interplay of bespoke diet and lifestyle interventions creates a compounding effect on your well-being.

In follow-up sessions we discuss the relevant nutrition and lifestyle findings that have been uncovered thus far. These meetings include  thorough discussions about dietary excesses or deficiencies related to improper micro- or macro- nutrient intake, supplementation mistakes or gaps in nutrition-related knowledge. Additionally, we will discuss any lifestyle related imbalances that have been identified through the lens of the 6 pillars of health. 

An Exploratory Call determines if The Nutrition Attaché’s skill set, level of service and care paradigm matches your health needs.  This call can represent the foundation of the client-Attaché engagement. 15-minute Exploratory Calls are offered to patients paying privately.  


Exploratory Call

An Exploratory Call determines if The Nutrition Attaché’s skill set, level of service and care paradigm matches your health needs.  This call can represent the foundation of the client-Attaché engagement. 

kerry st. pierre

From Finance Professional To Clinical Nutritionist

Prior to launching The Nutrition Attaché, Kerry was an accomplished finance professional working on Wall Street for 15 years in analyst and trading capacities.  After experiencing first-hand the restorative powers of personalized nutrition and lifestyle medicine, Kerry moved on from her rewarding high-finance career and embarked on a formal education journey in the health sciences field. Over the span of 5 years, she completed consecutive master’s degree programs each with an impeccable GPA. She approaches this work with a strong sense of compassion for people with demanding schedules who do not have the bandwidth to manage a transformative lifestyle or diet shift alone.   


The First Wealth is Health

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Speak with your attaché now

Connect To Begin

Your health story deserves to be heard. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage, conditions we support or private pay options, click the Email A Question link below. The Nutrition Attaché ensures all clients’ stories will be held in confidence by an open-hearted, open-minded clinician.